Dawid Radziszewski

Şerban Savu was born in 1978. Graduated in 2001 from the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca.

Lives and works in Cluj, Romania.

Works in collections

Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, PL
Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
FRAC Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, FR
Zabludowicz Collection, London, UK
National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, RO
San Francisco MOMA, US
Hort Family Collection, New York, US
Dean Valentine and Amy Adelson Collection, Los Angeles, US

Şerban Savu
Communal Road
oil on board
35 × 50 cm

Şerban Savu
Communal Road
oil on board
35 × 50 cm

Şerban Savu
Communal Road
oil on board
35 × 50 cm

Here, Savu re-worked an anecdote and image that circulated Romanian media during the 2010 floods. The Romanian Minister of Waters and Forests came to visit the affected sites in a "regular car" rented for the occasion to fit in with the local people and get good press out of it. But the old car wasn't suitable for the flooded roads and it got stuck, of course. The way Savu paints nature – the trees, birds, and landscape in general, taking revenge on the humans – is a clear reference to traditional art history and Bruegel.

Şerban Savu
Have You Ever Been to Abrud?
oil on canvas
198 × 148 cm

Şerban Savu
Have You Ever Been to Abrud?
oil on canvas
198 × 148 cm

Şerban Savu
Have You Ever Been to Abrud?
oil on canvas
198 × 148 cm

Şerban Savu
oil on canvas
141 × 198 cm

Şerban Savu
oil on canvas
141 × 198 cm

Şerban Savu
oil on canvas
141 × 198 cm

The starting point for this painting was a well-known theme recurring in art history: the flight into Egypt, a story recounted in the Gospel of Matthew. The girl in the painting is wearing blue and red – traditional colors of Virgin Mary, and the man might be taken for Joseph, the guardian of baby Christ. However the painting is not a religious one and is rather a contemporary commentary. Savu depicted himself and his wife as the main characters. The setting is timeless and universal, but it emphasizes the restlesness of the society, a state too often experienced by mankind.

Şerban Savu
Before the Game 
acrylic on board
25,5 × 44 cm

Şerban Savu
Before the Game
acrylic on board
25,5 × 44 cm

Şerban Savu
Before the Game
acrylic on board
25,5 × 44 cm

This painting was inspired by a bus full of Liverpool F.C. supporters, which Serban Savu saw on his way to Villa Borghese in Rome. He found this image to be atypical yet inspiring, especially the thin line between euphoria and aggression encountered midday in such a serene setting.
In his painting he replaced the vehicle with an old bus model designed and produced in Hungary in the 60s and 70s, and moved the whole scene into a desert-like landscape he once saw near the Dead Sea. Hence the white and blue flags resembling Israeli flags. However the thin line between joyful and aggressive emotions was left, typical for the unpredictable mob mentality which might turn violet at any second.

Şerban Savu
Gloomy day 
acrylic on board
35 × 35 cm

Şerban Savu
Gloomy day
acrylic on board
35 × 35 cm

Şerban Savu
Gloomy day
acrylic on board
35 × 35 cm

The title of this work directly references a painting by Bruegel. And the disposition of the characters and the very dark sky is a subtle reference to Giotto’s “Palm Sunday”. Here, in Savu's painting, under the excuse of maintenance works, the men are cutting down the trees – a metaphor for the destruction taking place in the name of progress and civilization.

Şerban Savu
San Giorgio II 
oil on board
44 × 36 cm

Şerban Savu
San Giorgio II
oil on board
44 × 36 cm

Şerban Savu
San Giorgio II
oil on board
44 × 36 cm

This painting revisits a theme recurring in art history, especially in the works of Italian Old Masters – the legend of Saint George and the Dragon. The scene with a man riding a horse on a highway was observed by the artist in Romania, when he was driving out to the countryside. Around the same time there was also an article in the newspaper telling a story of a husband who would ride 40 km on his horse to a hospital in North-East Romania, where his wife gave birth, because he didn't have enough money to take the bus to the city.

Şerban Savu
The Acacia Forest
oil on board
33 × 49,5 cm

Şerban Savu
The Acacia Forest
oil on board
33 × 49,5 cm

Şerban Savu
The Acacia Forest
oil on board
33 × 49,5 cm


CV go to the top

solo exhibitions


  • What Work Is, The Romanian National Pavilion, in the 60th Venice Biennale, Giardini della Biennale, Venice, IT


  • Dialogues, Galeria Dawid Radziszewski, Warsaw, PL


  • Makeovers, National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, RO
  • Regolith, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US


  • ECHINOCȚIU, Kunsthalle Bega, Timișoara, RO


  • En dérive, Centre d’art Le Lait, Albi, FR
  • The New Life, Dawid Radziszewski, Warsaw, PL


  • Heroes, Saints and Other Figures, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
  • Serban Savu, Museo Pietro Canonica, Rome, IT


  • New Works, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US


  • Pictures at an Exhibition, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
  • Manastur, Dawid Radziszewski, Warsaw, PL


  • Sometimes My Eyes are the Eyes of a Stranger, Monica de Cardenas Gallery, Milan, IT


  • Daily Practice for the End of the World, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
  • Overview, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US


  • Close to Nature, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US
  • Under the Radar, Pitzhanger Manor House & Gallery, London, UK


  • Unimportant Stories, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
  • Essay on Limits, Galerie Hussenot, Paris, FR


  • Recent Paintings, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
  • The Edge of the Empire, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US
  • Behind the Walls, Laika, Cluj, RO


  • Harvest, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
  • Girls, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO
  • Along The River, FA Projects, London, UK


  • The New Man, Mie Lefever Gallery, Ghent, BE
  • Clock Card, H’art Gallery, Bucharest, RO


  • Vietato l’ingresso ai non addetti ai lavori, Cube Gallery, Venice, IT
  • Ichtyos, Spazio Arte Pisanello, Verona, IT


  • Other Marine Species, Radio Gallery, Cluj, RO

selected group exhibitions


  • The Twist: Failing Empires, Triumphant Provinces, National Museum of Contemporary Art, MNAC Bucharest, Bucharest, RO
  • Reenactment – Recostituire il passato, Galleria D’arte Accademia di Romania, Rome, IT


  • Remembering Peace, Kyiv Biennial, Augarten Contemporary, Vienna, AT
  • The Twist. Five Provincial Stories from an Empire, Kunsthalle Bega, Timisoara, RO
  • Looking Anew and Beyond, Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, US
  • Bienala Jurnal de virus | Tulpini criptice, Diptych Art Space, Bucharest, RO
  • Mystery 3 Elefsina Mon Amour: In Search of the Third Paradise, cur. by Katerina Gregos, Elefsina, GR
  • Avangarda si Contemporaneitate, Muzeul Județean de Artă, Centrul Artistic Baia Mare, Baia Mare, RO
  • Lost in the Moment That Follows, Ways of Collecting: Ovidiu Șandor Collection, Kunsthalle Prague, Prague, CZ


  • The Influencing Machine, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, PL
  • Culturi agricole. Agricultura în arta românească modernă și contemporană, Museum of Recent Art, Bucharest, RO


  • How We Live, Part II, Hudson Valley MOCA, Peekskill, US
  • Where the Spirit Meets the Bone, Lateral ArtSpace, Cluj, RO
  • Arta si Orasul 1974-2021, Museum of Recent Art, Bucharest, RO
  • Electric Crossroads, Bubble ‘n’ Squeak, Brussels, BE
  • FOOTBALL. REALISM OF THE GAME, Floreasca Sports Hall, Bucharest, RO


  • Serban Savu, Adrian Ghenie, Ciprian Muresan, and Geta Bratescu, La Fondazione Nicola Del Roscio, Rome, IT


  • Ciprian Muresan et Serban Savu: L’atelier sans fin, Atelier Brancusi – Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
  • Ex-East, Past and Recent Stories of the Romanian Avant-Garde, Espace Niemeyer, Paris, FR
  • The Influencing Machine, Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest, RO
  • Because in our dreams we took risks, Art Encounters, Timisoara, RO
  • La Brique, the Brick, Caramida, La Kunsthalle, Mulhouse, FR


  • BioPerversity, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
  • The state We Are In, Collection of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Labirynth Gallery, Lublin, PL
  • Art on Stage, Art Safari, Bucharest, RO
  • Une saison roumaine, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
  • Double Heads Matches. A selection of contemporary artworks from four Romanian private collections, New Budapest Gallery, Budapest, HU


  • Disruptive Imagination – Making Windows Where There Were Once Walls, Gallery of Fine Arts, Ostrava, CZ
  • Ferenczy Museum Center, Szentendre, HU
  • Hierophant, Nicodim Gallery, Bucharest, RO
  • The 3rd Mediterranean Biennale: Out of Place, Sakhnin, IL
  • On the Sex of Angels, Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest, RO


  • …Hounded by External Events…, Maureen Paley Gallery, London, UK
  • George Grosz: Politics and His Influence, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US
  • Layers, Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest, RO
  • Landscapes After Ruskin: Redefining The Sublime, The Hall Art Foundation, Reading, US
  • Berlin Show #4: Inventory, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
  • Track Changes, Mendes Wood DM Gallery, Sao Paulo, BR
  • The Factory of Facts and Other (Unspoken) Stories, Salonul de Projecte, Bucharest; Domino, Cluj, RO


  • Tracing Shadows, PLATEAU, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, KR
  • Appearance and Essence, Art Encounters Biennial, Timisoara, RO
  • Pocket Revolutions, Korea Foundation, Seoul, KR
  • Group Exhibition, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US


  • Defaced, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder, US
  • A FEW GRAMS OF RED, YELLOW, BLUE: New Romanian Art, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, PL
  • Through the Collector´s Eye, The Office, Cluj, RO
  • Tis Side of Paradise, Sotheby’s S|2 Gallery, London, UK


  • Scènes Roumaines, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris, FR
  • Nightfall: New Tendencies in Figurative Painting, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, CZ
  • HOTSPOT CLUJ – NEW ROMANIAN ART, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj, DK
  • Km/h, Utopies automobiles et ferroviaires 1913-2013, Tour 46, Belfort & Musée du Château des ducs de Wurtemberg, Montbéliard, FR


  • Nightfall. New Tendencies in Figurative Painting, MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Art, Debrecen, HU
  • Salonul de vara, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO
  • Referencing History, Green Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE
  • European Travellers – Art from Cluj Today, Mȕcsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest, HU


  • Anthem of People’s Love, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
  • East Ex East, Brand New Gallery, Milan, IT
  • Salonul de mai, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO
  • Communism never happened, Galerie CUC Charim Unger Contemporary, Berlin, DE
  • Communism never happened, Charim Galerie, Vienna, AT


  • Romanian Cultural Resolution, Figurative Painting in Romania: 1970-2000, Spinnerei, Leipzig, DE
  • After the Fall, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, New York, US
  • Der offene Garten, Kunsthalle Lingen, DE
  • Route tournante en sous-bois, UpLoad Art Project (ULAP), Trento, IT
  • Mircea Pinte Collection – I – ,The Art Museum Cluj, RO
  • BERLIN SHOW #2, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
  • Romanian Cultural Resolution, Figurative Painting in Romania: 1970-2000, Club Electroputere, Craiova, RO


  • Invisible Body, Conspicuous Mind, The Luckman Fine Arts Complex, Los Angeles, US
  • Show me a hero, Calvert22, London, UK
  • Expanded Painting 3, Prague Biennale 4, Prague, CZ
  • I´ve watered a Horseshoe as if it Were a Flower, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US


  • Size Matters: XS – Recent Small-Scale Painting, Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville, US
  • Re-construction, Biennial of Young Artists, Bucharest, RO
  • Berlin Show #1, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
  • Closer Still, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
  • Days Become Nights, Galerie Hussenot, Paris, FR


  • Eastern European Painting Now, Lora Reynolds Gallery, Austin, Texas, US
  • Across the Trees, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US
  • Expanded Painting 2, Prague Biennale 3, Prague, CZ


  • Cluj Connection, Haunch of Venison Gallery, Zurich, CH
  • Please Drive Slowly Through Our World, Kontainer Gallery, Los Angeles, US