Adam Rzepecki
Adam Rzepecki was born in 1950. Studied Art History at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Since 1979 he is a member of the Łódź Kaliska group and since 1990 the Stacja Pi.Stacja group. Between 1978 and 1981 he ran the famous Jaszczury Photo Gallery in Kraków. In the ’80s he co-created the Pitch-in Culture (Kultura Zrzuty).
He lives and works in Kraków, Poland.
Works in collections
Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL
National Museum in Kraków, PL
MOCAK Kraków, PL
Museum of Art in Łódź, PL
Sammlung Verbund Vienna, Vienna, AT
Selected solo exhibitions
- Exhibition for Dwarfs, Dawid Radziszewski, Warsaw, PL
- XOTED/KYWDO, BWA Gallery, Bielsko-Biała, PL
- NADA Miami Art Fair (with Tomasz Kowalski), Galerii Dawid Radziszewski booth, Miami, US
- Adam and Ewa (with Ewa Ciepielewska), Olympia Gallery, Kraków, PL
- I Prefer Pitch-in than Culture, BWA Sokół Gallery, Nowy Sącz, PL
- I Apologize the Society for My Temporary Absence in Art, Dawid Radziszewski, Warsaw, PL
- In Search of Real Art performance (with Andrzej Wielogórski), Art Biennale in Venice, Venice, IT
- Magyar nyelvlecke/Hungarian Lesson, performance, Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts, Debrecen, HU
- 50, performance at Main Square in Kraków, PL
- Amsterdam, performance, Olympia Gallery, Kraków, PL
- If You can read…, Piękny Pies Club, Kraków, PL
- Feminismus, Otwarta Pracownia Gallery, Kraków, PL
- Pioneering video from UK, Canada and Poland (1968–88), Tate Modern & Tate Britain, London, UK
- Londyn, UK Above All I’m a Polish Artist, II Łódź Biennale, Łódź, PL
- Feminismus, II Łódź Biennale, Łódź, PL
- Green Power, from the Male and Other Art series, Piękny Pies Club, Kraków, PL
- Intimissimi, street performance, Kraków, PL
- Szczapa, Triangle, actions, Black Rock City, Nevada, US
- Diesel, private performance, I Biennale Łódź, PL
- Kącik patriotyczny, “Mandala” Theater Gallery, Kraków, PL
- Cóż arystokracie po małym Fiacie, screening, Zderzak Gallery, Kraków, PL
- AVE Festival Video, screening, Arnheim, NL
- Zwei Kinder System, “U Zofii” Gallery, Łódź, PL
- Śmierć Ajschylosa, Jaszczurowa Gallery of Photography, Kraków, PL
- Cabaret Voltaire, performance, Main Square, Kraków, PL
- Motorem mojej sztuki jest SHL-ka, performance, “Mandala” Theater Gallery, Kraków, PL
- Above All I’m a Polish Artist, performance, BWA Konin Gallery, Konin, PL
- Śmierć Ajschylosa II, TV-plecak, performance, plein air, Teofilów, PL
- Pokaz filmów autorskich, screening, Silent Cinema – II Festival of Independent Cinema, Strych, Łódź, PL
- Jak Buba Bobu, tak Bobu Bubie, performance in front of the Ministry of Culture and Art, Warsaw, PL
- In the struggle for eight-hour working day, plein air, Miastko, PL
- Tail, performance, Main Square, Kraków, PL
- Joanna Piotrowska, Ewelina Chrzanowska, Adam Rzepecki, Warsaw Gallery Weekend 201821.09–27.10.2018
- Adam Rzepecki, New Works02—24.02.2018
- Adam Rzepecki, I Apologize The Society For My Temporary Absence In Art22.03—20.04.2013