Dawid Radziszewski

Jerzy Bereś, Ewelina Chrzanowska, Jesse Darling, Tomasz Kowalski, Joanna Piotrowska, Agnieszka Polska, Șerban Savu

Galeria Dawid Radziszewski
Schleifmühlgasse 1A
1040 Vienna

In Vienna, a rented apartment is generally unfurnished. In Warsaw, things are different. I inherited my Warsaw apartment fully renovated, but with a mass of impractical heritage objects. Some of them were gathered up by dealers from Krakow, the rest I packed in the attic or the cellar.

I left behind a large, probably over 100-year-old bookshelf with a stylized Eiffel Tower etched in the glass. Whenever I look at it, I wonder why someone would have held onto that piece of junk for so many years. Today you couldn’t even get 500 euros for it.

We have bodies. That means that, like it or not, we leave behind traces in objects, floors, and walls. Even treading carefully in thick, soft socks, after we take a million steps from the living room to the kitchen we have worn a path. There’s an aura left behind when we’re cut out of a picture. The headrest of the bed is slightly rubbed away. Worn wallpaper, tracks from a chair. These are small dents in spaces where our bodies fit best, then our children’s bodies, then our partners’, our more-or-less close acquaintances’, and finally, strangers’.

I decided to make an exhibition about the spaces you leave behind. Visiting somewhere for the first time, you see those involuntary traces. When you’re somewhere for the last time – the traces left are yours. It’s a bit like you’ve moved out, removed the furniture, taken down the pictures. The traces of our presence reveal themselves even when everything is packed in boxes and carried away. Even in those apartments that seem to be perfectly clean and tidy.


Jerzy Bereś
Wheel and Axle (Kołowrót), 1971
wood, pots, stone, string, fabric, acrylic
116 cm ø 200 cm

Jerzy Bereś
Wheel and Axle (Kołowrót), 1971
wood, pots, stone, string, fabric, acrylic
116 cm ø 200 cm

Jerzy Bereś
Wheel and Axle (Kołowrót), 1971
wood, pots, stone, string, fabric, acrylic
116 cm ø 200 cm

Joanna Piotrowska
Enclosure, 2019
silver gelatin hand print
160 × 130 cm
Edition 1/1 + I AP

Joanna Piotrowska
Enclosure, 2019
silver gelatin hand print
160 × 130 cm
Edition 1/1 + I AP

Joanna Piotrowska
Enclosure, 2019
silver gelatin hand print
160 × 130 cm
Edition 1/1 + I AP

Şerban Savu
Refuge, 2019
oil on canvas
141 × 198 cm

Şerban Savu
Refuge, 2019
oil on canvas
141 × 198 cm

Şerban Savu
Refuge, 2019
oil on canvas
141 × 198 cm

Joanna Piotrowska
untitled, 2019
silver gelatin hand print
30 × 24 cm
Edition 6/7 + III AP

Joanna Piotrowska
untitled, 2019
silver gelatin hand print
30 × 24 cm
Edition 6/7 + III AP

Joanna Piotrowska
untitled, 2019
silver gelatin hand print
30 × 24 cm
Edition 6/7 + III AP

Ewelina Chrzanowska
pencil on paper
29,7 × 21 cm

Ewelina Chrzanowska
pencil on paper
29,7 × 21 cm

Ewelina Chrzanowska
pencil on paper
29,7 × 21 cm

Agnieszka Polska
My Favourite Things, 2010
Edition 1/5 + I AP

Agnieszka Polska
My Favourite Things, 2010
Edition 1/5 + I AP

Agnieszka Polska
My Favourite Things, 2010
Edition 1/5 + I AP

Jesse Darling
Epistemologies (30 Folders), 2022
concrete, ring binders, lever-arch files
dimensions variable

Jesse Darling
Epistemologies (30 Folders), 2022
concrete, ring binders, lever-arch files
dimensions variable

Jesse Darling
Epistemologies (30 Folders), 2022
concrete, ring binders, lever-arch files
dimensions variable

Tomasz Kowalski
untitled, 2024
oil and gouache on jute
69,5 × 171 cm

Tomasz Kowalski
untitled, 2024
oil and gouache on jute
69,5 × 171 cm

Tomasz Kowalski
untitled, 2024
oil and gouache on jute
69,5 × 171 cm
