Dawid Radziszewski

Krzysztof Grzybacz

Galeria Dawid Radziszewski
Schleifmühlgasse 1A, Vienna

Krzysztof’s drawings are laconic; from afar, in a frame, they are practically invisible. To see them, you have to come right up close.

The artist uses the most simple means of expression. The line the pencil makes is thin, always of the same thickness, it only describes the basic traits of figures and objects, like the degree of melancholy, the height of yearning, and the boredom of a Tuesday afternoon. Although this is all so simple, if we see these works just once, there is no mistaking them for anything else. These drawings have dates as titles, but I’m unsure if this is meant to be the artist’s diary—it is more like notes from the life of the works’ protagonist, who is someone else, someone living in another part of town, sometimes only meeting the artist. Various things happen to him: love, encounters with animals, vases get knocked over, he goes home, he’s got things on his mind. 

Time and again, the protagonist in the drawings becomes the protagonist of oil paintings, but more often he stays here, on paper, because these drawings are not painting aids, they are independent works, even if they remain overshadowed by Krzysztof’s main practice. 

While the exhibition in Vienna is running, in Warsaw we’ll be presenting an exhibition of the artist’s oils, called Floral Compositions.