Paweł Kruk
What does an artist want? 14.05–13.06.2015
o no
To play!
Who is this and why am I receiving this email?
Good question. Are you looking for answers or did you forget attachment?
Hi Pawel
The email had no content…
Or was that the point?
Hope all good.
but i don’t know really
Why don’t u ask him?
Uncle Buck with director’s commentary
what is want, and what is need?
?? No content.
Hey Pawel,
Did you intend for this email to have a title but to be blank? Are you asking this question , to me, and others?
to make of a feeling something: visible audible tangible ?
Attention to detail
Nothing. Really?
Chce być sławny 🙂
make money
A sense of purpose and wonder.
hi paw,
i got this blank email from you. an accident or intentional?
i’m guessing this artist wants more shows, more exposure, and more sunny days!
Sex and fired food.
I ment fried, but fired also works.
What’s good?
That’s a good question. Care to flesh it out a little?
Hi PAwel,
How are you?
Hope all is well.
Greetings, a.
I guess it depends, what do you as an artist want?
no wlaśnie, a ty czego chcesz jako artysta, Pawel?
chwili uwagi?
curators that do not miss skype meetings?
· To be paid for their work.
· Health insurance.
· Affordable live/work space.
· A printed catalogue and web-based every five years.
· Exhibitions at major institutions both in the US and internationally.
· Representation by a dealer who will respect their creative process and output, search for opportunities for the artist to exhibit, sell works to important collections, find benefactors who will underwrite studio production and speak fluidly and eloquently about their work.
· Curators who place their work in interesting contexts with other artists – while respecting the individual integrity of the work.
· An devoted following and new appreciators.
· A good review now and then in a respected publication.
I think you’d have to ask the Artist. I doubt few artists share the same wants.
Then again, you might be able to step back far enough to find some reductive commonality between all Artists. Other than the fact that they’re defined ‘Artist’ by themselves or others.
I think there’s also an important clarification between what an Artist ‘wants’ and what an Artist ‘does’. I.e. I could say an Artist interprets experiences. Butdo all Artists ‘want’ that?
Perhaps an Artist wants to create an effect. I find it hard to imagine any artist that does not want to cause some kind of effect.
This came as a blank email.
? Empty
Hi Pawel,
Do you know?
Great art works? Peace of Mind? Recognition? Happiness? 10.002 lines?
“New car, caviar, four star daydream
Think I’ll buy me a football team”
Co to za zaczepka?
What does the wind want?
a reaction?
t i m e
Dear Pawel,
Do you want this extremely complicated question to have an (universal) answer?
To be short -and very possibly blunt- a question about an artist can only have an individual answer depending entirely on (behavioral/social/cultural etc.etc.) specificities and/or preferences of a human being who happens to be an artist with certain wishes and hopes and so on.
But again I would really like to know do you, as an artist, want this question to have an (universal) answer?
-And if so why?-
want, desire, need
to recreate a divine impression
a memory of something unattainable in this world
but so clear in our perfectly imperfect minds
we all yearn to return to where we came from
what does a lake want?
butternut squash
An artists wants a play date.
Recognition? (not meant cynically)
Hi Pawel, I have been thinking about the question you asked: “What does an artist want?”
I think that your question should include a definition of an artist. Let me know and I will try to give you an answer.