Print as a Medium of Art Between the Years 1980–2000 in Poland 26.09–23.11.2024
Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2024
Galeria Dawid Radziszewski
Kolejowa 47a/U13
01-210 Warsaw, Poland
The exhibition presents publications and prints linked to Polish artistic life between the years 1980 and 2000. These two decades comprise two different Polands, against the backdrop of which, an exciting art scene developed.
Most of the time, these magazines were self-published. Their authors often produced the pages themselves, later assembling them together. They were distributed at exhibition openings and events, their recipients being the authors’ closest friend circles and other artists. Even though at the time, rarely have they had a wider impact, today they are an important source for understanding not only the art but also the times in which they were created.
We are displaying the magazines Tango, Oj dobrze już, Luxus, Czereja, Słynne pismo we wtorek, Raster, the albums of the Alma-Art publishing house and prints of Jacek Kryszkowski.